I've got a confession

I've got a confession.

I GET SCARED... A lot.

Now, I know I've got this whole tough guy image locked down, but sometimes, I get scared.

Scared you wouldn't read my messages.

Scared that I wasn't making any sense.

Scared that I should just focus on my Consulting practice and stop creating all these products

But I've never let fear stop me.

What most people never get to see are the countless hours that I put in daily to get life to work in my favour (and all the times it doesn't work)

But the reason I'm becoming a "success" is that I've worked harder than you.

Now, I know you're thinking; "what a jerk!

That's such an arrogant statement".

Hold on a sec.

I'm not discounting your time, effort or sweat equity.

All I'm saying is that I'm willing to fail more times than you're willing to try.


It's a numbers game.

If I fail more times than you try, it means that my odds of succeeding are far higher than yours.

I'm not as smart as...

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Let me be the best mistake you've ever made



Take it from The #SmartMoneyWoman herself, Arese Ugwu @smartmoneyarese

If you haven't heard of her, then you've been sitting on a bicycle.

She's an amazing lady who's taking the world by storm with her Financial Intelligence masterpiece, THE SMART MONEY WOMAN.

And I also happen to be her coach.

Here's what she had to say about working with me.

"I'm sitting here reading my own damn book words I wrote...and I can't help but think about how self doubt and fear have the ability to kill dreams if you let them take over.

I almost didn't finish this book..there were months when I thought I was writing rubbish or months when I didn't write at all but I HAD MADE THE MISTAKE of telling Mr Ruthless execution Steve Harris that I wanted to write a book. He gave me lots of invaluable advice about the writing process but most of all HE KEPT ME ACCOUNTABLE.

In the months I wasn't writing, I WAS RUNNING AWAY FROM HIM like a child from a...

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Visualize Failure


I know what you're thinking... what do you mean Visualize Failure?

Allow me to explain.

Every Tom, Dick and Sheila (let me guess... Still expecting Harry, right? What's my name?) SMH

Where was I? Ah yes... Every Tom .. You know the rest, tells you to visualize success to achieve your goal. 

  • Think of the holidays you can have..
  • Think of the nice cars...
  • Think of the freedom...

I have a different opinion.

Visualize Failure.

Success is a harder proposition for most people because many haven't actually lived very successful lives.

It's like saying "visualize St. Tropez, Venice or Ibiza". You might have read online about them as tourist destinations, but it doesn't mean you're familiar with them.

Instead, I'd rather you visualize something you might be familiar with and that is ... FAILURE.

  • Think about ... Never getting out of debt.
  • Living an eternally average life
  • Going through the motions of a relatively mundane existence
  • Having more bills than money
  • Working that dead...
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You might not be good enough


Read that again.

You just might not be good enough... And it's #TheUglyTruth

There are certain opportunities that are time bound, that once lost, can never be regained.

Like being passionate about playing football and having a dream to play for Man United, but you're 43.

That's not gonna happen.

Lebron James may be living your dream, but you might never live it, why?

Well, for one, you probably don't have his talent, his work ethic, his self denial, the time he's put into it since he was a kid and time and chance just didn't collide in your favor.

Or maybe you're lazy, undisciplined, distracted, don't want it bad enough or just living in denial.

It takes a great deal of self awareness to admit that, and perhaps you can't.

Does that mean you should stop trying to be great?

No. Strive to be the BEST VERSION OF YOURSELF and realize It's gonna take time!

It's not gonna happen in a year, two or even five.

It takes 37 years to become a 37 year old.

Success isn't a lottery that you...

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Dear Thought Leader

business coaching execution Jan 05, 2017


This ain't me taking anyone out, but I'm gonna keep it real as always... Maybe it's because there are NO BARRIERS TO ENTRY or NO INDUSTRY REGULATIONS

Now, every Tom, Dick and Ismaila (you expected Harry, right? SMH) with a mobile phone, data and has read a Tony Robbins book feels they're a Thought Leader.

As far as I'm concerned, over 90% of these folks are UNEMPLOYED BUMS with way too much time on their hands.

Let me tell you who a thought leader is...

Thought leaders are the INFORMED OPINION LEADERS and the GO-TO PEOPLE in their field of expertise. They are TRUSTED AUTHORITIES who move and INSPIRE PEOPLE with innovative ideas; TURN IDEAS TO REALITY, and know and SHOW how to REPLICATE THEIR SUCCESS.

Many legit coaches I know weren't idle when they started sharing their message, they had cushy jobs and SACRIFICED ALL to help people solve their problems

Ask @jimitewe @iambankole @paulfoh @emekanobis @praisefowowe @remidairo @maureeniyasele who HAVE SACRIFICED...

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In a couple of hours, we'll be "CROSSING OVER" into 2017.

In a couple of hours, you're gonna be singing, dancing and clapping that YOU MADE IT into 2017, (like you weren't expecting to?)

In a couple of hours, your spiritual coach (Pastor or Imam) will be declaring a blessing over you. And that's cool too.

But even though like Abraham, you've got a blessing on you, you're still not gonna be able to put it into perspective until you're EXPOSED, INFORMED and hang out with the RIGHT ASSOCIATIONS who make your biggest dreams look like child's play.

That's why God (THE NEW ASSOCIATION) said.. "I need you to have a FRAME OF REFERENCE for this PROMISE since you ain't never experienced this before. You see those stars in the sky, in the milky way and the galaxies? (EXPOSURE) Do you think you can count them? You see the sand we're walking on, do you think you can count them? As innumerable as they are, that's how innumerable your progeny will be"...

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Your hour becomes your day.
Your day becomes your week.
Your week becomes your month.
Your month becomes your year.
Your year becomes your life.

As you know, I'm all about #RuthlessExecution

So, I'm holding a FREE WEBINAR On January 1ST, 2017 at 6PM


So if wanna significantly improve your results in the first quarter of 2017, then click the link below


Merry Christmas


- Steve

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I've Got Great News

business coaching Dec 12, 2016

Can you imagine that after...

11 years as a Management Consultant.

10 years as a Motivational Speaker.

6 years as a Life & Business Coach.

5 years as an Author.

And after all this time, my voice is worth only N25?


Don't be mad..

Damien, you can now receive Life & Business VOICE MESSAGES from Yours Truly, EVERYDAY.

For 25 bucks a day!


I've finallly decided to put this amazing voice of mine to good use.

You're gonna get my husky and conversational baritone inspire, motivate, but most importantly, CHALLENGE you to #ChaseYourGreatness with #RuthlessExecution every single day.

So hey, I'd be honored to speak with you daily on INSTAVOICE.

To subscribe, 

SMS SH to 2656 or

SMS Steve Harris to 2656

Airtel and Etisalat lines available for now.

Subscription is N25 daily and N100 weekly.

Once you subscribe, you'll get your first voice message THE NEXT DAY or IMMEDIATELY I POST A MESSAGE, which is ONCE A DAY.

Thanks for subscribing and sharing my message

- Steve


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Dear Protege

Dear Protege …

My heart is heavy and I’d like to get a few things off my mind.

You might not like what I’m about to tell you, but you know me, I’m gonna keep it real.

I know it’s not easy. The economy seems to be going in one direction and people younger than you seem to be hammering; I know you look at mentors and role models like Alibaba, Leke Alder, Fela Durotoye and want their stuff, but hold on a second, don’t be in a hurry to drive their cars and earn their pay checks.

Can you pay the price of their success?

I know what you’re thinking, ‘it’s easy for you to say, Steve. I’ve heard your gist too’.

Dear Protege,

I know you've seen the successes of GenerationNOW like Bankole Williams, Jimi Tewe, John Obidi, Steph Obi, Paul Foh, Remi Owadokun and Maureen Iyasele, but can you pay their price?

Do you know that Bankole Williams left his well paying job at GTbank and took a 50% pay cut to pursue his dreams? Can you...

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Bulletproof Your Business

business coaching execution Dec 07, 2016

Does your business feel like it's under fire?

Do you want to know how to earn more money while your competitors are earning less?

Are you stuck and unsure of what direction to take in this season of recession?


And I'm here to help.

For 14 days, I'm gonna be offering FREE BUSINESS COACHING to walk you through the maze you're going through and give you clarity.

As an added bonus, you'll get my #BulletProofYourBusiness worksheets to help you during our path together.

To access this FREE content and coaching, all you need to do is click the link in my bio or below


You'd be best served if you already have a business or are aspiring to get it off the ground while you're engaged with your 9 to 5.

In my last post, I told you how the widow of Zarephath prospered in a recession, one of the keys I hadn't mentioned was that SHE HAD A COACH (Elisha) who saw the opportunities she was...

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