Dear Protege

Dear Protege …

My heart is heavy and I’d like to get a few things off my mind.

You might not like what I’m about to tell you, but you know me, I’m gonna keep it real.

I know it’s not easy. The economy seems to be going in one direction and people younger than you seem to be hammering; I know you look at mentors and role models like Alibaba, Leke Alder, Fela Durotoye and want their stuff, but hold on a second, don’t be in a hurry to drive their cars and earn their pay checks.

Can you pay the price of their success?

I know what you’re thinking, ‘it’s easy for you to say, Steve. I’ve heard your gist too’.

Dear Protege,

I know you've seen the successes of GenerationNOW like Bankole Williams, Jimi Tewe, John Obidi, Steph Obi, Paul Foh, Remi Owadokun and Maureen Iyasele, but can you pay their price?

Do you know that Bankole Williams left his well paying job at GTbank and took a 50% pay cut to pursue his dreams? Can you...

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