Who's your squad?

Over the weekend, I had the privilege to sit with my mentor, Fela Durotoye as he shared his heart with me, my brothers; Jimi Tewe, Bankole Williams and several hundred-odd people.

Looking around the room, I couldn't help but notice that while you may have knowledge, skill or ability, you really won't go far without having the right association.

So here's my question?

Who's in your corner? Who's your squad? Here are "awon goons mi" and a few others not in this picture

We're almost at the final stretch of the year and if you can't get anything right (which you better), at least make sure you've got the right people in your corner.

Cause you know what they say, "(s)he who walks with the wise, will also be wise and the companion of morons will be destroyed.

Your squad is a picture of your future. It's folk that have got your back and are willing to ride with you and push the best out of you, even when you're comfortable with mediocrity

I mean, I admire Paul Foh's hustle and grind (the...

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love relationships sex Feb 14, 2017

This Valentine's Day,

Don't be a victim of #bodycount

He's probably planned out his men-you for today...

Tolu's breakfast.
Halima's lunch
You just might be dinner...
Or the appetizer.

So hey, do something different this Valentine's day.

1. Realize that being alone today doesn't make you lonely ... Besides, were you sad last week? #nopressuretho

2. Don't be a desperate single chic... We smell it from a mile away, and he'll prey on you

3. Tell him you're keeping your legs closed until he's open to and has said I DO.

Will you lose a few fellas along the way?

Yup, but you're not an ATM ,where any Tom, Dick and (still expecting Harry weren't you) who has a 4 digit pin can access.

You're a vault.

Only the person with the correct authorization can get your valuables.

Besides, do you see queues at a vault?

That chic with plenty toasters just might be an ATM, dispensing generously Just saying. So hey, don't be on the menu, when you can own the damn restaurant.

So here's my Valentine's...

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